PSY210H5 : Ch. 12 Study guide
Document Summary
By 15 months, infants begin to show self-recognition in mirror task. At 18-24months, children look more at photos of self than others and refer to self by name or personal pronoun. Awareness of self extends to an understanding of ownership. Preschoolers mention concrete characteristics such as physical characterisitics, preferences, possessions, and competencies. At 6-8 years, children begin to mention emotions, social groups, and comparisions to other. Adolescents mention attitudes, personality traits, religious/political beliefs, variation with contest, and an orientation to the future. Adolescents use hypothetical reasoning to experiment with different selves. Adolescence characterized by self-abosrption, imaginary audience, personal fable, and illusion of invulnerability. Stages of identity: diffusion, forclosure, moratorium, and achievement. Stages of career development: crystallization, specification and implementation. Measures overall self-esteem as well as self esteem in 5 specific areas: Drops during the elementary school years due to social comaprisions. Self-steem sometimes drops during the move to middle school. Pattern of change in self-esteem caries for different domains.