PSY313H5 : Sensory aging- summary

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Sensory experiences get worse as we get older. No other age related loss is as universal as sensory loss. All systems detect energy from the environment, which is picked up by special receptors located in an organ. Sensory nerves: acoustic nerves= hearing, optic nerves= vision. Normal age related changes can also occur due to disuse, abusse. Impairment in sensory systems limits our interaction with the world. Without these senses, we feel disoriented, degraded input for vision and hearing affects how we code information and respond to information. There are 3 main layers: sclerotic coat, choroid, retina. Lense divides the insde of the eye: the inner part is called the aqueous humor and the outside is called the vitreous humor the eye is a spherical shape. Sclerotic coat- is a hard tissue, helps the eye preserve its shape bevcause fluids existing in the eye create a pressure, therefore a hard coating is needed to withstand this pressure.