PSY313H5 : Ch. 2 study guide
Document Summary
Characteristics of the adult population in the united states. The number and percentage of middle-aged and older adults in the united states is growing at an unprecedented rate; the number of adults over age 65 is expected to double in the next 40 years. There is also greater diversity of race and ethnicity in the united states than ever before. The phrase graying of america aptly describes increasing number and percentages of older adults in the u. s. population. The increase in median age reflects the aging of the baby boomers. Age structure: the percentage of men and women of various ages grouped by age intervals. Age structures by regions give an incomplete picture for two reasons: regional averages hide great diversity among countries (bangladesh and. Life expectancy: refers to the average predicted length of life. There"s been an increase in average life expectancy in the united states during the twentieth century. www. notesolution. com.