PSY313H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 8: Strong Interest Inventory, Crystallization, Takers
Document Summary
In an age-integrated society, all kinds of roles learning, working, and playing would be open to adults of all ages: they could intersperse periods of education, work and leisure throughout the life span. Much of the research about education, work, and leisure reflects the older, age-differentiated model of social roles, and the cohorts whose lives it describes. Undergraduate enrollment in 2002 (14. 3m) nearly double that in 1970. More students over 24 and more women undergrads. Adults who choose to go back to school are highly motivated. They bring individuality and life experience to the classroom. Number of minority students in higher education nearly doubled since 1980. Participation rates for minority women grown more rapidly since 1990 than rates for black, white, and hispanic men: percentage of minority population with degrees still lags behind. sh. 5 million for high school graduates and million twice as much for holders of bachelor"s degrees.