PSY320H5 Study Guide - Final Guide: Subliminal Stimuli, Theory Of Planned Behavior, Meta-Analysis

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Affect and cognition, and: affective: positive or negative evaluation of an attitude object. Behaviour is sometimes: attitude is the affect for or against a psychological object, affect mere exposure effect repetition can lead to liking and development of positive attitude. However, if repetition occurs too much there can be a decrease in likeability with each additional repetition. Suggested that subliminal advertising can appeal to emotions. 1993 survey found that 70% of respondents believe subliminal ads are widely used and successful in promoting products. However, meta-analysis has shown no credible evidence that shows that subliminal ads actually affect attitudes and behaviour: people do not make decisions just on their likes and dislikes. For instance, people who are prejudice will not necessarily behave in a discriminatory fashion. This means that affect cannot be the only drive behind attitudes: central vs peripheral route mood effects strength of attitude.