PSY100Y5 Study Guide - Fast Mapping, Statistical Hypothesis Testing, Behaviorism

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20 Dec 2012
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PSY100Y5 Full Course Notes
PSY100Y5 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

How language began: emotion is the first communication. Apes and chimpanzees laugh when they play-fight. Humans are good at meeting strangers and tolerating them. Shared meaning to a symbol and a sound. You learn language best when you are young. Phonemes: thee are about a hundred of them (40 in the english language); just the alphabet. Morphemes: 50,000 english morphemes (ie. ly, anything that changes the meaning of the word) 90% of our communication is done without words/language. Vocal intonation: the tone at which you say something ie. raising the tone of the last syllable when you speak: turns everything into a question (up-talking) Predators can tell if you are good victim material by your body language. Physical distance: if you"re too close, people start to become uncomfortable facial expressions: ie. angry look on your face indicates you are mad. We start learning language at 4 months of age.