RLG204H5 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Malik Ibn Anas, Zayd Ibn Harithah

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1- discuss the reasons why the arabia"s way of life before islam is called jahiliyya by explaining a) its main characteristics and b) its significance in islamic thought. The spirits of these gods were associated with sacred objects such as trees, stones, springs and wells. Mecca possessed a central shrine of the gods. The kaba, a cube- shaped building housed 360 idols of tribal patron deities: lack of tawhid (believe in one god): two opinions among islamic scholars regarding the pre- Islamic arabs" approach to god: monotheism, belief in one god, did exist prior to islam evidences: both jewish and. Christian arab communities had been present in arabia before mohammad. Christians were also present in mecca: polytheism- evidences: the arabian god was associated with three goddesses who were the daughters of allah: al-lat, manat and al-uzza, characterized by fatalism: No meaning or accountability beyond this life; No divine judgment, or eternal punishment or reward.