RLG206H5 : Buddhism in Tibet

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Buddhism"s reception, and reasons for its acceptance in tibet. Tibet in buddhism - when buddhism first came to tibet. Tibetans weren"t interested in buddhism because they already had their own traditions. but then the tantric rituals were similar to their religion that they adapted buddhism. The king of nepal adapted buddhism because his 2 wives were. Plus tibet didn"t have a written language and buddhism had sanskrit. Dalai lama - - dalai: ocean - - lama: wisdom. He is the boshisattva who embodies the compassion of all buddhas. He is the most widely revered bodhisattva in buddhism. So when monks make a mandala - a map. they ruin it after to show everything is imperement. Is from a lineage of allegedly reborn tulku magistrates which traces back to 1391. They are of the gelug sect of buddhism. Tibetan buddhists believe the dalai lama to be one of innumerable incarnations of.