SOC100H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Altruistic Suicide, Nonprobability Sampling, The Control Group

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SOC100H5 Full Course Notes
SOC100H5 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

A way of looking at the world that allows links between the apparently private problems of the individual and important social issues. Interconnecion between life of an individual and the history of society. Allows us to see the connecion between personal troubles and social structures. People cannot cope with their personal troubles unless they understand and control the structural transformaions that usually lie behind those troubles. By looking sociologically, you can see what is going on in the world and then understand your personal issues. Social structures: a stable paterns of social relaions. : public issues. Personal troubles: private, job loss, divorce, failure, etc. Ability to recognize that an individual exist in this context (4 levels of social structure) Unemployment: the rates of unemployment in the city that they live in, may be drasically higher than a city that is 5 hours away, Demographics: age, sex, more groups that are more likely to be unemployed than other groups (discriminaion)