SOC216H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Symbolic Power, Structural Marxism, Moral Authority

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2 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Society primarily an uneasy relationship between two groups with incompatible economic interests (bourgeoisie and proletariat) Needs of capital dictate law: base(relations of production and means of production) and superstructure (everything not to do with production in society: ex. Criminalize vagrancy in order to solve the scarcity of cheap labour after the. Black death vested interest groups in the emergence and/or alteration of laws. When state tries to regulate capital, capitalists find ways to avoid it look at what laws are followed or avoided: ex. Regulations introduced supposed to improve working conditions in factories, but rather were subverted and avoided by capitalists. Relay system and other tactics such as shaving off minutes to lengthen the working day and as a result of the law, working day became more intense. Conceals inequality: unemployment statistics, average wages. Increases inequality: stigma, reduces readiness for job market.