SOC310H5 Study Guide - Final Guide: Harm Reduction, Tough Love, Mental Health Court

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Law on the books/law in practice: the difference between what the laws say it is going to do vs what it actually does. Guiding assumptions: reid macnevin identifies 3 levels that affect the implementation of social policy for youth, philosophy (what, the translation of philosophy into program goals and objectives (how) Ideological orientation of the professionals responsible for delivering service to young people (who) Why study: school and youth justice: school is the site of discipline and what some have called a pipeline to the ycjs, school has some protective factors (this is why it figures prominently in the ycjs). But in segregated schools, you do(cid:374)(cid:859)t ha(cid:448)e that because most of the kids are held behind. In addition, they have the bad teachers: black students going through unsegregated schools have affected kids in a positive way such as having better health, more education, higher income.