ANTA01H3 Study Guide - Natural Selection, Homo Ergaster, Homo Rudolfensis

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31 Oct 2013

Document Summary

Ancestors leave fossils, bones and relics to tell us what the past looked like. Can live as long as 50 years. Afarensis troop has territory like modern day chimps. Female like lucy is an easy target. Like modern apes use hand and feet to move around. Transformation of the earth was the catalyst that transformed apes from using four legs to two. Mountains have extreme effect on weather . Africa one side was dry and dessert like . Apes were forced to spend more time on the ground since there were no more trees. Being upright bring obvious advantages: can stand taller, can see farther, however it means everything can see her. Eagles will attack them cannot carry a full grown lucy so they will attack babies. Sex and raising babies are the key to survival. Can raise one extra baby with energy saved. That one extra baby can save them from extinction.