BIOA01H3 Study Guide - Survivorship Curve, European Herring Gull, Greylag Goose

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22 Apr 2013
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BIOA01H3 Full Course Notes
BIOA01H3 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Instinctive genetically programmed response complete and functional on first use. Imprinting learn key features of stimuli during "critical period" often used for parental recognition ex. Konrad lorenz imprinting with greylag geese; when these geese reached sexual maturity they tried to court humans into mating because of who they imprinted on. Pavlov"s dog response to a conditioned stimulus (bell) when it precedes an unconditional stimulus (food) Operant conditioning link voluntary operant with favorable reinforcement trial-and-error learning quickly learn; both in positive and stop negative stimuli. Insight learning uses true problem solving uses reason. Lack of response to unimportant stimuli ignore small birds; react only when there is an actual potential for danger (mice/rodents) decrease in response to a stimulus after repeated presentations ex. Sea hares, a new ring tone, movement of a toy retract their gills in the face of danger. Adaptive behavior social or personal behavior; can be adapted into something else.