GGRA03H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Civic Engagement, Earth Summit, Rainwater Tank

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Review key concepts and review course readings in relation to these concepts, as they are what the exam question will be about: smart growth. Concept and policy developed in the 1950"s for the establishment of growth management policies, including the establishment of urban growth boundaries (greenbelts), and developing within existing boundaries. Caused by concerns about suburban expansion, and decreases in agricultural land: urban sustainability. Balance of interrelated social development objectives, environmental protection goals, and economic growth strategies in cities. Marketing of sustainability has become an aspect of consumer culture, city life: society, nature, and landscapes, environmental justice. Obligation to act in an environmentally just manner: suburban development. Socio-nature: intertwining of social and natural processes in the transformation of nature. Cyborg urbanization: mechanical insertions into natural urban spaces. Modern cities ideal: concrete built form conflicts with ideals of nature. Linear metabolism: traditional metabolism of cities where resources move through urban systems without concern about the origin or destination of their wastes.