GGRB02H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Nigel Thrift, Lawn

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13 Dec 2015

Document Summary

Total points for midterm exam = 100 points (i. e. 5 concepts=40 points. The midterm for the course will be held between 3:10pm-5:00pm on. Wednesday, 22 october 2014 in class and it is a closed book exam. Note that you will not have a choice here. Each definition is worth 8 points (5 concepts x 8 points =40 points). Define concepts precisely in 3-4 sentences: relational view of space, sense of place, historical materialism, first nature/ second nature, use value/ exchange value, idealist definition of scale, scale jumping, glocal, cartographic censorship. You are required to answer four short answer questions out of. Each answer is worth 15 points (4 answers x 15 points =60 points). Building upon this they posit the thesis of production of nature . Scalar strategies deployed by oil companies and residents of ecuadorian amazon to achieve their respective goals (namely, profit for oil companies and social/ environmental justice for residents)