HLTA02H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Patient Participation, Salutogenesis, Reductionism

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Critical health studies: an approach to health that is characterized by criticality & interested in challenging & analyzing current conceptions of health & health care. Gillet chapter 1: introduction to critical studies involves questioning social, political & economic practices; current norms & ideologies; & practices that marginalize or negatively affect individuals or groups interdisciplinary lens. Health sciences: the disciplines, typically scientific in nature, work in conjunction with medicine. Health studies: addresses health, illness & medicine through a social science, humanities, or. Well-being: being healthy & content with one"s life, having one"s basic needs met - more than just the something is rather than how much there is of it absence of disease. Conceptual fields: a method of studying a subject by incorporating the views of multiple disciplines in a holistic way. Critical perspectives: a way of studying a topic that addresses & analyzes the effects of institutional norms, models of thinking, power of dynamics, & broader social influences on a.