MGEB12H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Carpool, Simple Linear Regression, Null Hypothesis

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You are allowed the use of a calculator. Write your full name and your student id # on both this test book as well as the. The university of toronto"s code of behaviour on academic matters applies to all. The code prohibits all forms of academic dishonesty including, but not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, and the use of unauthorized aids. Students violating the code may be subject to penalties up to and including suspension or expulsion from the university. Question-1 (18 points) answer the following two separate parts: [8 points] a researcher wants to evaluate if a higher fraction of cars carry two or more people after carpool-only lanes are added to highways. 2,000 cars are randomly selected from the highway before the carpool lanes are added. 1,500 cars are randomly selected after the lanes are added. The number of people in each car is counted.