NROB60H3 : Study guide

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Meninges- comprised of three layers of connective tissue membranes which surround and protect the. It ensures that the brain is not in direct contact with overlying bone of skull. It"s an outermost membrane closest to the skull; tough, inelastic consistency. Subarachnoid space- space between the arachnoid and pia mater, filled with cerebrospinal fluid. Pia mater gentle mother subdural hemmorhage/hematoma, a dangerous condition that increases cranial pressure and damages brain tissue. Caused by the rupturing o f blood vessels. vs subarachnoid hemmorhage. Blood brain barrier is a specialized system of capillary endothelial cells. endothelial cells are different from those found in peripheral tissues, allowing it to serve as a barrier to the brain. The structure of the nervous system will tell us about brain function. There are similarities in rat and human brain. Hemispheres are separated by a deep sagitttal fissure . clearly split down the middle into two cerebral hemispheres. bumps: gyri and grooves: sulci & fissures.