POLB92H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Russian Social Democratic Labour Party, French Revolution Of 1848, Old Bolshevik

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Rapid, fundamental, and often violent transformation of a country"s. Accompanied and caused by mass based revolts from below. True revolutions with all of these are quite rare. Misery and revolution ignores poverty and passivity in that poverty makes people not revolt. Relative deprivation-revolutions occur when people think things will get better, but they ultimately get worse however lack of revolution in latin america disproves this. Marxist theories of revolution: two stages, bourgeois revolution that overthrows aristocratic order and communist revolution, where the socialist system overthrows the capitalist system. Collective action problem: revolution doesn"t just happen because people are unhappy. The state: it is usually heavily armed, very rare that rebellion is large enough to overcome the state. The states have to have these problems for revolution to succeed(skocpol): Monarch seeks more taxes, causes split in upper class. Where an urban revolution elite could attach itself to these peasant insurrections, revolution occurs.