PSYA01H3 Study Guide - Sequence Learning, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Cognitive Map

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Learning is shorthand for a collection of different techniques, procedures, and outcomes that produce changes in an organism"s behaviour. Learning involves the acquisition of new knowledge, skills, or responses from experience that result in a relatively permanent change in the state of the learner. The key ideas emphasized are: learning is based on experience, learning produces changes in the organism, these changes are relatively permanent. Ivan pavlov studied the digestive processes of laboratory animals by surgically implanting test tubes into the cheeks of dogs to measure their salivary responses to different kinds of foots. Classical conditioning, occurs when a neutral stimulus produces a response after being paired with a stimulus that naturally produces a response. In his classic experiments, pavlov showed that dogs learned to salivate to neutral stimuli such as a bell or a tone after that stimulus had been associated with another stimulus that naturally evokes salivation, such as food.