PSYA01H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Radiant Energy, Descriptive Statistics, Reciprocal Altruism

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29 Oct 2013

Document Summary

Provided that are two groups were alike at the start of the experiment, which is usually accomplished by randomly assigning volunteers to the two groups, we could attribute any differences in detection ability to the experimental manipulation of expectations. Independent variable: variable that is manipulated in an experiment as a means of determining cause and effect relations. Nominal fallacy: the false belief that one has explained the causes of a phenomenon by identifying and naming it; ex. Believing that one has explained lazy behaviour by attributing it to laziness . Ex. suppose that we see a man frown and shout at other people without provocation, and generally act unpleasantly toward everyone around him. Someone says, wow he seems really angry today! - this does not explain his behaviour it only describes it; we might better say that his behaviour is hostile and aggressive. This statement does not claim to explain why he is acting the way he is.