PSYA01H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Scientific Literacy, Scientific Theory, Scientific Method

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The scientific method o o o o o o o. The scientific method: a way of learning about the world through collecting observations, developing theories to explain them and using the theories to make predictions. Hypothesis: a testable predication about process that can be observed and measured. These rules are regularly broken by astrologers and psychics o. Astrology is often referred to as pseudoscience; and idea that is presented as science but does not actually utilize basic principles pf scientific thinking or procedure. Theory: an explanation for a broad range of observations that also generates new hypotheses and integrates numerous findings into a coherent whole. Theories are built from hypotheses that are repeatedly tested and confirmed and if a hypothesis is supported, it provides more support fro the theory. Theories aren"t the same thing as opinions or beliefs. A measure of a good theory isn"t the number of people who believe it o o o.