PSYC31H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Avoidant Personality Disorder, Vascular Dementia, Cerebrovascular Disease

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23 Apr 2017

Document Summary

Subcortical dementias: progressive supranuclear palsy is rare. Also attentional deficits (both for shifting attention and sustained attention: huntington"s disease has a clear genetic component (cag repeats). They show chorea (irregular jerks, almost dance-like) and cognitive and personality disturbances: degeneration of the frontal lobes; poor executive function and psychotic symptoms (these psychotic symptoms distinguish it from parkinson"s) Impaired recall, slow response time, and inaccurate visual spatial skills. Their recognition is better than their recall: multiple sclerosis can present in many, many, different ways, subtypes include, relapse/remitting; lesions found at the ventricular system (periventricular lesions). It progresses at different rates in different people, and so neuropsychological tests findings are equivocal: but, the wcst is predictive of progression. Neurobehavioural variables and diagnostic issues: behavioural change can be affected by multiple factors, including lesion size, location, duration of condition, age of onset, cerebral dominance, psychological makeup, etc, also by whether the condition is diffuse or ocal.