SOCA01H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Nobody Knows Anything, Press Tv, Bear Attack

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14 Jan 2014

Document Summary

Feminist theory, emotions, and the building blocks of social interaction: research found that women laugh more than men. When woman speaks and man listens, women laugh more than twice as often as men. Social interaction: involves people communicating face to face or via computer and acting and reacting in relation to other people. It is structured around norms, roles, and statuses. Social statuses, roles, and norms all come together as building blocks that structure all social interactions. Emotion management: emotions don"t just us; we manage them, when managing emotions, people usually follow certain cultural scripts e. g. culturally transmitted knowledge that playing dead during bear attack gives higher chance of survival. Emotions in historical perspective: growth of economy requires more emotion labour, turning into commodity; decreases ability to experience emotions spontaneously and authentically. Feeling rules taken different forms under different social conditions: Grief: during 1600s in europe, infant mortality rate high, parents became less emotionally invested in children.