SOCA02H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Smoking And Pregnancy, Fax, United States

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10 Apr 2014

Document Summary

Economic analysts divide the economy into three sectors: primary (agricultural) sector includes farming, fishing, logging, and mining, secondary (manufacturing) sector is where manufacturing takes place; raw materials turned into finished goods, tertiary (service) sector is where services are bought and sold; includes nurses, teachers, lawyers, etc. Harry braverman (1974) proposed one view of the future of work: argued that owners (capitalists) organize work to maximize profits, a way to increase profits is to break complex tasks into simple routines thus increasing division of labour, resulted in three important consequences, employers can replace workers with machinery, given the simplification of the work, employers can replace skilled workers with less expensive, unskilled workers, employers can control workers more directly since less worker discretion and skill is needed to complete each task, thus the future of work involves a deskilling trend refers to the process by which work tasks are broken into simple routines requiring little training to perform.

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