ANT204H1 Quiz: 2010 Quiz Tips (from prof) Ant of Contempt World
Document Summary
What will be tested: lecture material (including films) and assigned readings from sept 15 to. How to prepare: you should use lecture outlines to tell you what is most important from lectures and film questions to suggest what you should think about in terms of the films. Readings overlap to some extent but not perfectly with lectures/films. For historical articles, you should know the rough outline of the history presented though not to the point of memorizing every name and date. Dates listed on lecture outlines are relevant and worth learning. Broad periods are also important (eg. industrial revolution, 1760- You should be able to recognize and identify the key players in the histories we learned in lectures and readings and know something about why they are important to the story. Look for overlap: it is also a good idea to look for overlap among the readings, eg. wolf talks.