CRI205H1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Trait Theory, Sociobiology, The Criminals

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Genetics and crime: twin studies, 60% of mz (identical twins) shared criminal behaviour patterns, 30% of dz (fraternal twins) shared criminal behaviour patterns, evidence of genetic basis to criminality. Issues: suggests gender role and biological rather than cultural. Evaluation of the biological branch of trait theory: believe some people carry the potential to be violent or antisocial and that environmental conditions can trigger antisocial responses, behaviour = biological + environmental events. Issues: lack of empirical testing using small, non-representative samples, methodological problems, hard to see if findings apply to general criminal population or only those convicted of crimes and placed in treatment. Psychological trait theories: the english convict charles goring, found criminals shared, not physical characteristics, but defective intelligence, tarde"s three laws of imitation. Individuals close to one another tend to imitate behaviour. Interactions that are rewarded are copied, while who that are punished are avoided: psychological trait theories summary.