ENG100H1 Final: Henry V

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Shakespeare wrote no more history plays after, except henry ___ Fighting only one segment of the war (lancastrian war - the last segment) Very brief moment where harry gets named heir to french throne. War starts nearly 100 years ago with edward iii (great grandfather of henry v) Started the war for his claim to the throne. Started the bid, then there was a lull, then there was the caroline war (under edward iii. When the kingdom is busy fighting itself, they don"t have enough power to fight for their claim (this is when the lulls are) It"s only when they have a strong leader that they fight for their claim to the french throne. Edward iii"s daughter was the daughter of the french king (philip iv) Philip iv had 3 sons, all of which made it to the throne, but they all died young. Question of who is going to inherit the throne.