GGR112H1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Fiscal Policy, Lowkey, Dependency Theory

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A qualitatively new stage in the history of world capitalism - robinson. Key term of a master discourse about the general state of the world. Increases in communication / interaction have been happening since the start of civilisation. This refers to the 5th stage / the now / the neoliberal-influenced world. No point in trying to ascertain which caused which or what each concept actually means; they function in conjunction to make sense of and shape our world. Features: post-fordism; fordism was the era of mass production and consumption so: Basically neoliberalism: neoliberalism (section below, transnational capitalist class / transnational governance. We know capitalism and neoliberalism are core tenets of this new stage of globalisation and are arguably causes of globalisation. Superior technology does not automatically result in increased communication. Criticisms: sink or swim / adapt or die, race to the bottom.