HIS243H1 Final: HIS243 Final Exam Review Part One.docx

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17 Feb 2013

Document Summary

Social structures in eme (lectures sept. 16th- sept. 28th) In eme cities were vry crowded: little sanitation and social life. Smell cities before you could see them. Piles of human waste on streets, rules to how high they could be. Struggles through whole century: london had 60,000- 70. Families collapse: in diff parts of europe plagues reoccur every decade. Constant population change: in 1590s and 1630s new plagues. 70 million before death, 50 million after. Takes 100 years to recover: 14 or 15% of world population dies, 1650- 75 million, most population lived at mediterrainean, northern population expands rapidly. Before focus on south, now its shifts to the north. Before it was venice, now antwerp and amsterdam. Very few europeans lived in cities: 10, europe is very rural. However by end of period all growth is now in the cities: north fastest, all pop growth comes from people moving in, dangerous place to live.