MAT186H1 Study Guide - Final Guide: University Of Toronto Faculty Of Applied Science And Engineering, Horse Length, Airco Dh.2

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25 Oct 2018

Document Summary

First year - che, civ, ind, lme, mec, mms. General comments: on each question, the results ranged from zero to perfect, only question 8 did not have a passing average, 86% of this exam was completely routine. 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:19)2p (4 ); r = r (cid:18) R p (4 ) p (4 ) dv d . 24 2 (2 )(3 2 12 + 4 2) Then dv /d = 0 3 2 12 + 4 2 = 0 = 2 (1 . So: easier ways to do this problem are presented inside! Breakdown of results: 514 students wrote the exam. The marks ranged from 0% to 99%, and the average was 68. 3%. Some statistics on grade distributions are in the table on the left, and a histogram of the marks (by decade) is on the right. 0-9% 0. 2: [avg: 8. 0/10] find the following: Z (cid:18) (a) [5 marks] ex + x1/3 +