MAT223H1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Linear Map, Linear Independence, Augmented Matrix

40 views11 pages
1 Oct 2018

Document Summary

Examiners: a. izosimov, n. jung, d. muthiah, s. uppal, h. wu. Instructions: there are 65 possible marks to be earned in this exam. The examination booklet contains a total of 11 pages. It is your responsibility to ensure that no pages are missing from your examination. Do not detach any pages from your examination: you may write in black ink, blue ink, or in pencil. Do not write in red ink, and ensure that your solutions are legible: no aids of any kind are permitted. Are not permitted: have your student card ready for inspection, there are no part marks for multiple choice (mc) questions, for the full answer questions, write the solutions on the question pages themselves. You may use the two blank pages at the end for rough work. Mc q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6 total. Clearly indicate your answer to each question by circling your choice.