MGY377H1 Midterm: Study notes for midterm

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Biofilms involve bacterial growth on surfaces inanimate, biological tissues always extracellular. Very common majority caused by uropathogenic e coli: these bacteria adhere to epithelial cells in bladder, urinary tract. Invade epithelial cells, induce inflammation: bacteria can replicate in cytosol of these cells, thought to form persistant reservoir in these cells, very resistant to antibiotics, pods are formed in infected cells. Biofilms can survive exposure to high levels of antimicrobials that kill planktonic cells of the same strain: antibiotics, disinfectants, dispersed biofilms are sensitive. Biofilm resistance to antibiotics not the same as conventional antibiotic resistance. Tolerance involves resistance only in biofilms: not applicable to planktonic bacteria, mechanisms. slow growth effect more oxygen and nutrients at top of biofilm y slow growing bacteria in biofilms. persister phenotype y some bacteria refuse to die when encounter antibiotics y unknown how regulated y not due to genetic mutation: arr phosphodiesterase function.