ENV221H1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Peak Oil, Kitimat, Persistent Organic Pollutant
Document Summary
Tutorials only taking place on: sept 27, oct 11, nov 1. Essay might be about how canada is approaching climate change (due nov 9th) Studying the environment involves studying it all. The transdisciplinary approach is inherently transcultural: rigor, opening and tolerance are the fundamental characteristics of the transdisciplinary approaches. 3 major env issues: climate change and energy use, environmental health, biodiversity. More of the same kind of education will only compound our problems . The 6th myths and solutions regarding education. Which of the following is or is not a myth of education? (possible midterm question hint) We cannot manage the planet the way we think we can. Bring a half page type written paragraph(s) Address your reactions to the orr readings, which questioned the value of the current education system. Evaluated on a pass or fail basis. Some people believe science is the root of all problems. Others agree that science is the way to solve all environmental problems.