WDW101Y1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Status Quo Bias, Pluralistic Ignorance, Alexis De Tocqueville

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Qualitative studies: smaller data and more detailed like interviews and documents: social order. Social order can be formed by: cooperation, coordination and communication. Coordinate actions that develop stable expectations about others" behaviour. Cooperation to attain common goals and work together for the same end. Our behaviour are motivated by: values, emotion, tradition, rationality. Rational models of decision making: simplifications that are useful when trying to understand complex environments like societies, markets, government behaviour: tragedy of the commons. Public goods: resources available for everyone but no organization/person controls; trust is an example. Selective attention: we ignore it and filter information because our brains are capable of retaining 7 bits of random data (information overload). Confirming bias: we avoid, ignore, challenge, discount because we seek to confirm that we were right all along; we only pay attention to stuff that confirms what we already believe. Status quo bias: we stick with what we know. Tocqueville: groups help individuals to internalize cooperative values.