[EOS 110] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 11 pages long Study Guide!

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Why did humans begin to explore the oceans: population pressure (needed more land to support the amount of people, new food sources, new trading routes. At this time, sailors could determine their latitude (north and south position) by looking at the stars. They were(cid:374)"t a(cid:271)le to figure out their lo(cid:374)gitude (cid:894)east a(cid:374)d west positio(cid:374)(cid:895) The chronometer allowed them to determine their longitude. They would set the chronometer to the time of the port they were departing from, and compare the set noon hour to where the sun was in the sky. By deter(cid:373)i(cid:374)i(cid:374)g how differe(cid:374)t the su(cid:374)"s (cid:374)oo(cid:374) hour position was from the (cid:272)hro(cid:374)o(cid:373)eter"s (cid:374)oo(cid:374) hour, they could see how far they sailed east/west. First used by cook to map the ocean 1768-1779 (not scientific: challenger expedition. Scientific mapping of atlantic, pacific and southern oceans. When the desired depth is reached, the bottle will stop and invert which seals the water inside.