BIOL 2111 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Sister Chromatids, Pea, Interphase

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The f1 generation that was produced came out to be all purple. Cells in many diploid organisms, contain homologous chromosomal pairs, one from each the father and mother. These chromosomes will separate in a specialized form called meiosis. It was due to the 4 stages of the cell division and cell cycle, that mendel thought of the law of equal segregation. The cell cycle consists of the interphase and mitosis: Gap1 is the gap between mitosis and start of dna synthesis. Gap0 is the resting phase of variable duration. Synthesis is where the dna synthetization occurs (visible sister chromatids) Gap2 is the gap phase between dna synthesis and mitosis. Mitosis: cell division in somatic cells, which produces 2 identical daughter cells. Cytokinesis cell division process, where the cytoplasm of the parent cell divides into daughter cells. 90% of a cell"s life is spent in the interphase part of the cell cycle.