PSYC 1160 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Alfred Adler, Rote Learning

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Document Summary

Definition: study of the physical, cognitive, and social psychological changes across the life span . Longitudinal research: follow same subjects over time (months/years, time-consuming, subject loss (attrition), requires a lot of money. Cross-sectional research: measure subjects of different ages at one time, more common, can be misleading: views on prejudice/spanking differ by age; cohort effect: a group shares unique experiences. Teratogen: any substance capable of producing fetal abnormalities, such as tobacco or alcohol. Tobacco: carrier molecules select co over o2 so the fetus suffocates; memory problems. Alcohol: fetal alcohol syndrome (fas), involving, facial, limb, or organ defects. Physical growth works by maturation, not by training. Mental models incorporating characteristics of people, objects, events, and situations. Sensorimotor: children learn to coordinate sensory experiences with motor behaviour, young schemas: out of sight, out of mind (no object permanence) Preoperational: able to think beyond physical experience, but egocentric (unable to see world from the perspective of others) and cannot perform mental transformations.