Biochemistry 2288A Study Guide - Final Guide: Cytochrome C Oxidase, Cytochrome C, Acetyl-Coa

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Topic 13: acetyls co-a: citric acid cycle (pyruvate made in cytosol) Exam whats the diff bw nadh, atp & co-ez a. Co ez a: a ciarrier molecule, thiol (-sh group) is modified. 5 classes of e carriers in etc (from lowest to highest electron affinity): flavins: isoalloxazine (flavin) ring of riboflavin accepts 2 h atoms (ex 2 protons, 2 e) to become reduced. Tightly assoc w pro complex: iron sulfur centres: Iron & s covaently linked to pro by cysteine residues. # of atoms can differ common is 2fe2s or 2fe4s. Each centre can accept 1 e directly (w/o accompanying proton) reducing fe3+ fe2: ubiquinone (aka coenzyme q) Can diffuse freely w/i hydrophobic phase of inner mito membrane. 2 carbonyl groups that each accept 1 h atom (1 proton + 1 e) to become hydroxyls. Oxidized form = q, reduced form = qh2: cytochromes: Proteins containing prosthetic group heme & tetrapyrrole ring w iron ion at centre.