Biology 2217B Midterm: Bio 2217 lecture notes Midterm 1

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Document Summary

Botanist: study of plant structure physiology photosynthesis, mycology/ fungi, bacteriology, phycology/algae, plant genetics, plant pathology, ecology, biotechnology, forestry, agriculture. Economically important: grasses, beans, starch plants, fibre plants (cotton), oil plants, wood producers, medicinal. Plants can move in response to stimuli, ex: vines, leafs on plants. Resurrections plants: dry up into tight ball, add water and it will grow very fast. Stranglers: bind weed, kudzu, grow fast and around other plants and choke them out. Poisonous: hydrangea (vomiting, weakness, sweating, coma), lily of the valley (nausea, vomiting, heart palpitations), chrysanthemum (keep rabbits away), narcissus (don"t eat the bulbs) Vampires: mistletoe (stem parasite, phloem of plant and gets its nutrients from plants, stem parasite, hemi parasite, poisonous) Lichens and fungi are not plants- lichens have symbiosis of fungi, indicator of sulfur dioxide sign of pollution, can eat fungi. Scifi plants: triffids, killer tomatoes, the thing, pod people, trouble with lichens. For tuesday: textbook chapters 1,8 (118-128), 9 (134-136)