Biology 2581B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Gregor Mendel, Simple Cell, Stromatolite

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1809 jean-baptiste lamarck suggested that organisms were descended from one another with differences emerging by means of subtle modifications between generations (1st theory of evolution) His theory supposed that environmental changes would be passed on, perceived that characteristics are inherited. 1856 gregor mendel begins breeding experiments with pea plants. 1859 on the origin of species by means of natural selection published by darwin. 1865 mendel presents his ideas to the scientific community, but it is overlooked by almost all (including darwin) until 1900 when other scientists rediscover his ideas and finally release the mode of inheritance for characteristics between generations. Evolution is both a pattern that can be observed and a process that can be followed through time. Humans are part of the pattern and process but not the end. 3. 8 billion years ago oldest rocks (solid surface) 3. 5 billion years ago earliest clear fossil evidence for life (prokaryotes, stromatolites calcareous mounds built from lime secreting bacteria)