Economics 3364A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Liquidation, Chief Constable, Special Relationship

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Yeun ken yeu v ag hong kong (1988) The claimant deposited money with a licensed deposit taker, regulated by the commissioner. He lost his money when the deposit taker went into insolvent liquidation. He said the regulator was responsible when it should have known of the difficulties. The commissioner had no day to day contact with the deposit taker, and no special proximity to the plaintiff. Geographical -smith v littlewoods (1987: facts: vandals entered a property owned by littlewoods and started a fire. Smith alleged littlewoods were in breach of a duty to prevent this damage by making the property secure against trespassers: held: littlewoods were not liable. Whilst they did owe a duty of care they were not in breach of duty. They were not required to provide 24 hour surveillance: note: the law is unwilling to impose liability for the deliberate act of a third party.