Economics 3364A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Asthma, London Ambulance Service

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The reciprocal reliance the claimant would have changed his position had he not relied upon the assumption of responsibility not been exercised by the defendant. The claimant griffiths was heavily pregnant suffered a serious asthma attack in her home her husband called her gp and the gp attended griffiths at her home. Gp recognised it was impossible to bring the asthma attack under control and she would need immediate hospital treatment so the gp placed a call to the ambulance via 999 call. The operator said that an ambulance was on its way. The first 999 call was at 4:25pm. no ambulance turned up. At 4:38pm, the husband made a call via 999 and operator said that the call was being logged and that an ambulance was on its way. At 4:54pm, the gp logged the final 999 call and he was assured that the ambulance was not that far away. Ambulance arrived at 5:05pm, 40 minutes after first call.