Economics 3366A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Common Draft, National Gazette, Derogation

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Shareholder protection at national level: (second) company law directive 2012/30: creditor protection (now. Creditor protection: minimum capital requirements, contributions in cash/kind, distributions to shareholders, buying of own shares (by company, reduction of subscribed capital, financial assistance. 68: capital increase (up to general meeting to decide on issuance of new shares: art. 68, 69 and 72 to encourage employee participation (art. Scope: listed companies with registered office in ms and trading shares on regulated ms market. 4: narrow interpretation, does not mean all shareholders have exactly same voting rights (e. g. different classes of shares) 5), no later than 21 days before agm. Record date instead of share blocking (art. 7), not more than 30 days before agm. Right to place items on agenda of general meeting (art. Amendments to shareholder rights directive: shareholder identification, shareholder engagement policy for institutional investors and asset managers, right to vote on remuneration policy, minority protection in case of rpt, role of proxy advisors.