Economics 3366A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Children Act 1989, Gillick Competence, Private Law

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Private law family disputes: children can be used as a weapon against adults, focus for the adults is usually on an adult relationship. Children can kind of be pushed to the side sometimes. When relationships break down emotions will be high and relationships will be strained. Civil partnership cannot be dissolved until issues relating to the children are resolved: where children will live, what time they"ll spend with the parent, who will pay child maintence. 2013 introduced family court: some cases last for years and have traumatic effect on parties involved, hope is that parties have a amicable relationship process and children are treated like a priority between the parties. Process: application will be made for a case, to be heard or decided by family court. Befrore the first hearing cafcass prepare schedule 2 letter: schedule 2 letter prepared concerned with safeguarding, background checks on parties, who the parents are, who the children live with.