Economics 3366A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: International Coffee Organization, Dutch Language Union, Comecon

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1899, 1907: the hague peace conferences: to resolve conflicts peacefully through mediation and arbitration, permanent court of arbitration established in the peace palace. Disadvantages of ad hoc conferences: decision making by unanimity as sovereign state has the final say, lack of participation, as e. g. smaller states won"t be able to get invited. All of this called for establishment of permanent centers, networks of expertise: international unions established: functional associations for specific purposes. Private international unions: predecessors of today"s ngos: e. g. 1863: red cross(sui generis): for purpose of humanity: hybrid ngo; got pil rights and duties. Public international unions: predecessors of today"s ios: coordinating communication, transport, infrastructure, e. g. International telecommunications union (where states agree on governance for rate of frequencies and internet) Established league of nations: aimed to preserve peace and security, making right to wage war prerogative of world community, streamline global governments, use of force still not prohibited, origin of art.