Economics 3366A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: State Immunity, Diplomatic Immunity, Absolute Immunity

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State immunity- immunity a state has in a foreign national court of another state. To distinguish if an act is a public or private one the action is analyzed, the purpose is defined, the nature of the act. Heads of states/government arrest warrant case- absolute immunity from jurisdiction of the other states, and international courts(icc). Once he is out of office he/she can be convicted. Diplomatic immunity- vienna convention on diplomatic relations, does reflects customary law. Immunities relating to the person- diplomat (ambassador and staff) full and complete immunity from criminal jurisdiction; members of the family also enjoy immunity to the same degree; Immunities relating to property- the receiving state cannot be accessed by it without permission. Freedom of communication- the receiving state is under the obligation to ensure and protect it. State responsibility- the system to hold a state responsible for an internationally wrongful act.