Geography 2144A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Bet Her, Lonely Planet, W. M. Keck Observatory

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Document Summary

Travel and tourism consists of two types of things. The letter: give me a ticket for an airplane , particular place you want to go. Your experience past online text class future. There here and now is always contextualized by an awareness of the landscape with which we engage. The environmental, economic, and social dynamics of space and place at any point in time. Lifelong learning is the journey of discovery to enlightenment: an awareness of the myriad of landscapes through which we, travel, engage, experience. Tourism is the active utilization of gateways of discovery to expand one"s engagement with the world. Sometimes we learn consciously and we choose a space or place to explore, experience, and linger within. Other times, our learning is quite by accident: we learn despite ourselves, or from the unanticipated, the unexpected, and the unknown. One of the paradoxes of otherness is that in travel each conceives the other to be a foreigner.