Geography 2144A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Chav, Ecotourism

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Organized mass tourists least adventurous predefined, purchases, and packages remain within a tourist bubble, distinct from host community and defined by the resort complex resort is same in all places whether in spain, or england, etc. use the itinerary fixed by the tour operators and trips out of the complex are organized tours make few decisions largest sector of tourist market. Demand shifters: safety: afghanistan, congo, rwanda security politics economics: some places are cheaper then others, e. g. seasonality: better winter resorts vs summer. What is the role of the host? welcoming inviting basil fawlty: expression of not catering to visitors british are not very welcoming, pub comes from public house place to socialize because small homes didn t provide room to have people over. pubs are very territorial, if your from another town and go to their pub they will not be welcoming americans love visitors, are welcoming.