History 1810E Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Indirect Rule, Sokoto Caliphate, Atlantic Charter

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19 Mar 2018

Document Summary

African states: pre-scramble: asante, present day ghana, control of slave trade and gold mines, asante forced european states to pay tribute if they wanted to trade on the. The colonial map of africa: broken up by europeans without consideration of ethnic and tribal divisions. The nature of colonial rule: colonial rule often exaggerated tribal differences, pre-existing states were usually dismantled because they were threatening to colonial power; chiefs sent into exile, bureaucracy dismantled; Indirect rule- most european empires wanted to rule their colonies very cheaply, it was much easier for them to simply get the local chiefs to co-operate with them. Jomo kenyatta: kikuyu, mau mau revolt, anti british, targeted white people for attacks, dominated by kikuyu, like the kenya african union, the nationalism in kenya seems to be dominated by one ethnic group. Independence: ghana (1957, the congo (1960, cameroon (1960, kenya (1963, angola (1975, mozambique (1975, zimbabwe (1980, south africa (1994)